
A Toolbox with methods and references to document, communicate, sustain, and defend ICCAs—territories of life.

This Toolbox includes resources that can support an ICCA—territory of life self-strengthening process (SSP) and a wide variety of other community reflection and strengthening initiatives. 

Facilitating a grassroots discussion


  • General guidance for ICCA self-strengthening process facilitators
  • Summary considerations for good facilitation
  • Resources on ethical and effective facilitation and support
  • Resources for understanding FPIC
  • Resources for further understanding and identifying territories of life
  • Resources and tools to plan and support inclusive grassroots discussions throughout an SSP


Resources and tools for describing and documenting ICCAs


Resources and tools to support assessment and analysis, including of territory of life governance and management

Vision and Celebrate

Resources and tools to support collective visioning

Act and Communicate

Examples of community actions and initiatives to support territories of life

Resources and tools for planning actions together

Resources and tools for communicating about the ICCA

Act with Others

Exploring social recognition in practice

Exploring recognition and support under international law and policy

Exploring recognition and support under national law and policies

National legal and policy instruments that recognise ICCAs

Exploring joint advocacy for appropriate recognition and support

Exploring registering ICCAs internationally and nationally

Resources and tools for advocating for appropriate recognition and support – national and international

Review and Renew

Resources and tools for ongoing monitoring and learning